President’s Two Cents

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I hope everyone enjoyed their four-day week-end! And I hope that your first 10 days of school have gone as smoothly as can be! I am definitely grateful to have our students back in the building and I am hopeful about what the year could bring. Yet, I have to be honest, the frenzy of the beginning of a school year has me dragging a bit. It is hard not to become both excited and overwhelmed – wanting to take leaps and bounds forward – but steady does win races (notice, I left out the “slow” part of that:). Our efforts to help the Justice High School PTSA be more relevant and engaging in our community are a work-in-progress. Those are the buzz words, the goals, of the year: relevance and engagement. In order to achieve our goals we really do need your help – we need your input and your time. Admittedly, this whole “President of the PTSA” thing is also a work-in-progress for me and I really need to elevate my delegation game, but in order to do that we need more volunteers, please read our “wish list” below.

I would like to again THANK all of the folks who have volunteered their time thus far: handling school supply deliveries; at the Wolfpack Welcome table; feeding kids for Senior Sunrise; and those who have been in the background providing a sounding-board! I would also like to especially THANK those persons who have so far stepped-up to take on a role:

James Wilkins (Parent) – Communications Co-Coordinator
Ann-Marie Ward (Parent) – Communications Co-Coordinator
Jenna White (Parent) – Advocacy Coordinator
Laura Coates (Parent) –  Membership (Volunteer) Coordinator
Paola Vasquez-Brown (Parent) – Senior Caravan and Carnival
Wint Ngon (Student) – VP Events
Justin Tetelman (Student) – VP Student Involvement
Omar Mohamed (Parent) – Treasurer
Kathleen Brown (Parent) – Secretary

Believe me, I know time and energy are in short supply, but I am hopeful that you will find a way to support these volunteers in some capacity at some point this year. I welcome (aka beg:) you to join us: one-time/one-off volunteers, single-project managers, or position-holders are ALL welcome!

We have been working on our communication – which includes these new bi-weekly newsletters being distributed via News You Choose (we said good-bye to members-only news), a new Instagram account, an in-mid-update revised website, and a developing WhatsApp organization account. We’re trying to stay connected to you – so please share our FB/Instagram/Twitter posts (see links below) and newsletters as widely as possible. (Note: we will be attempting to go “live” on FaceBook and/or Instagram for events when possible (for viewing only), including for our first member meeting.

Please join us for our re-scheduled Monthly Member Meeting TONIGHT in the Little Theater or online (link here)!


Kim Lanoue

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